You just need chicken, pitas, alfredo sauce and pesto sauce (or bbq sauce), and shredded cheese. I also added bacon.
Cube some chicken
fry some bacon
lay out some pitas
cook the chicken (in the bacon grease if you're feeling unhealthy)
I use sauce out of a jar...alfredo sauce and pesto sauce mixed, and then straight bbq sauce.
Add the chicken (I don't normally have this much chicken on them, but the breasts I cooked were big, so just whatever your preferences is)
I'll use whatever shredded cheese I have around. This time I had a six-blend Italian mix, and I also used some cheddar for the bbq chicken ones.
Crumble your bacon
And sprinkle
Then it's just 10 minutes in the oven at 400 (you're mainly just melting the cheese).
And they reheat pretty well, so I make extras to take for lunch.
Omg this is amazing!!! I made both. So good. Exactly what I was looking for, too!!! Thank you for sharing <3