Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pasta for Dummies - Rose Sauce

Remember when I had you put two jars of sauce in a pot and heat them up? Remember that? Yeah, well we're going to do that again.

Behold! Super easy rose sauce! It is called rose sauce because we mix a red sauce with white sauce, which in color wheel land would equal a pink sauce...but in real life it's actually rather orange.

We'll start with our two jars of sauce!
Since I wasn't sure how it would turn out, I didn't use the entire jars. However, the proportions would be right I think. I didn't use equal parts of each sauce, but I used equal parts of the jars. As in, I used 2/3 of the jar of alfredo sauce, and 2/3 of the jar of spaghetti sauce, so using the entire jar of each would work out as well. Alfredo sauce tends to come in slightly smaller jars than spaghetti sauces so I think in most cases these proportions would be right. Although you could just mix the two until you get the color you want.

You're aiming for this color, I guess.

If you're really cool you can wear a tomato themed apron while you do this.

Now for chicken slices! (I had the chicken breasts marinating in Italian salad dressing)

Multitasking! I'm cooking a whole wheat shell pasta for this experiment.

I plated it on a blue plate because orange and blue are complementary colors and I like to prove to my mother that I am using my art degree.

I think it came out pretty yummy. I don't think it's as great as the alfredo/pesto mix, but it's still pretty good. At least it gives you something different to do. I actually think I might mix the rest of the sauce together and make a lasagna with it.

1 comment:

  1. Another easy way to get a Rose' Sauce... Mix 1 jar Red sauce (I prefer marinara) with about 1.5 cups 1/2 and 1/2.
