Now it's time to make them edible...
losing their heads (and shells and veins)

I didn't pay attention to exact measurements, but I think it's something along the lines of this...
1 yellow onion
½ cup chopped bell pepper
½ cup chopped celery
¼ cup green onion
minced garlic
2 cans cream corn
1 ½ cups of shrimp? it was a big handful out of the bag.
1 pint half and half
½ pint heavy cream
Worcestershire and Tony's to taste
bacon (and its grease) could be considered optional
Let's start with bacon, cause that's always a good place to start

Then, saute onions and celery (SUPER TINY FROM A FOOD CHOPPER) in the bacon grease AND butter (there just wasn't enough bacon grease)

Add bell pepper and a little green onion

MORE BUTTER, and shrimp (and minced garlic). This would probably be a good time for the Worcestershire and Tony's.

Then add cream corn from a can

Then run through a blender so it's all blenderized

Add half and half and/or heavy cream (in this case, I put both). Simmer another 10 or 15 minutes.


I topped with bacon but it's phenomenal without

If seafood isn't your thing, you could just try a corn chowder.
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